Wacom bamboo fun driver cth-661
Wacom bamboo fun driver cth-661

wacom bamboo fun driver cth-661

I never used to have this problem when I owned my Intuos 3, and didn't even originally have it with my Bamboo.but it's been going on for almost two years now.and I haven't been able to find a solution on my own. I have also tried things like turning off Window's Flicks program, which some of my friends have told me can mess with Wacom software, and while that helped a little, it still didn't stop the problem from happening. I've taken this issue to Wacom several times already, even searched all of the help forums for them that I can find, and they always give the same solution (Update, clear all files, shut down, restart, reinstall with tablet plugged in) none of it works, or only works for a day or two. Even wiping out all of the previous wacom files, then restarting, then doing the reinstall the way Wacom has suggested.some times I can't even count on it actually fixing anything at all.

Wacom bamboo fun driver cth 661 drivers#

I have tried all of the new drivers that Wacom has released for this model, including currently using the newest one they just released, but at best, the fix only lasts for a couple of days. Some times I can do multiple restarts and it will continue to tell me the driver is not running when my computer comes up again. This leads to it's own mess of possible above options. Some times a computer restart fixes this problem, but there are also a lot of times where it goes back to doing one of those three things, or picks a forth option.where it just tells me the tablet driver is not working. 3) The pen and touch both work, and I can turn of the touch with the on/off toggle, but the pressure sensitivity won't work at all. 2) It connects, but only touch function works and the pen registers on the light on the side (changes color), but the pen won't do anything at all, and pushing the button for Touch on/off does absolutely nothing. 1) it won't connect to my computer at all. my big issue is that after using my Bamboo tablet, and having it work fine for a while, 8/10, when I come back to try and using it again, it will do a couple of possible things. So, I posted this topic probably more then a year ago, and got all of one response that didn't even go to the right I'm gonna try again, with new info and experiances!

Wacom bamboo fun driver cth-661